Sunday, 16 December 2007

Yes, I AM still here!

What have I been up to?

Well, for one thing, I've been endeavouring to start monetising this Blog (you've probably noticed the ads!), because, with only ONE pension now coming into our house, I really need to supplement my income - not only for MY sake, but also in order to provide better facilities for my husband, as well as being able to donate more to worthwhile organisations. At the moment, however, it's ALL about paying money OUT, so I'm definitely going backwards, which is a bit of a worry. I hope in the future I'll be able to look back & see that it was worth it!

So there - I HAVEN"T been sitting around on my butt doing nothing, in fact, I've been quite busy .........................

2 weeks ago my husband was sitting on the side of his bed when he slipped off & fell on the floor - 2 days in a row, would you believe!! He crushed a disc & has been in severe pain ever since, demanding my attention on a constant basis, so actually I'm feeling pretty stressed & weary right now.

Will get back to more self-exploration ASAP.

May you all enjoy your Christmas / New Year break & may your goals for 2008 be realistic, achievable ones!!