Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Well, here I am!

This is a first for me.

I decided recently that one of my goals is to record in some way lessons I've learnt throughout my life. If I don't do this, very few people will be able to benefit & the knowledge I've gained from the lessons I've struggled to learn will essentially die with me. I want this to be part of the legacy I leave behind for those who follow.

However, I am not a writer. In fact this will be my first public attempt, so please bear with me. I don't know the ins & outs of being a Blogger, so maybe some of you can help me with that along the way.

I have a passion for "hurting people" & if I can do anything to ease someone's pain, I will consider my life has been worthwhile. My hope is that this site may be a place where you feel comfortable to come, where you feel empathy, where you gain some knowledge, support & encouragement to move on.

"The best teacher is experience; other
people’s if you’re smart".


A Catalyst for Change said...

I guess I should have said "I have a passion for people who are hurting" - hope you read it that way!

Goal Guru said...

I am so proud of you and will be following your journey as it evolves.

Live Your Dreams,


A Catalyst for Change said...

Thanks, Jill - the exciting thing is "Who knows where it may take me?"


Unknown said...

This is a great start!

One suggestion I have is to go into your blog's settings and allow people to post anonymous comments. Some people don't have a google account so therefore, will be unable to post a comment unless they sign up for one. Internet users are for the most part... lazy, and they'll rarely do things that require this much effort!


A Catalyst for Change said...

I appreciate your interest,Bryan - thanks! I still have a long way to go .........
You are a great role model so far as blogging is concerned.